• “If it's inaccessible to the Workers' it is neither radical nor revolutionary”

  • The origins of CUDL are in the trade union movement!

  • “If it's inaccessible to the Workers' it is neither radical nor revolutionary”

  • “If it's inaccessible to the Workers' it is neither radical nor revolutionary”

What we do

The Community Union Defence League (CUDL) was founded in Adelaide in 2016, originating from the trade union movement with a mission to support workers and their unions who were facing challenges from employers. Initially formed to rally community backing for union officials from the CFMEU penalised by the Australian Building and Construction Commission, CUDL quickly became a beacon of solidarity. The overwhelming response to their efforts, including fundraising and displaying massive banners from bridges, affirmed their vital role.

CUDL’s activities expanded beyond initial support, as they began providing practical aid at picket lines in Sydney and Melbourne, bringing food and beverages to striking workers and offering support during confrontations.
 The organisation grew to include street kitchens in major cities and various services for the disadvantaged, such as home maintenance and support for those facing eviction. Their involvement in organising "tent cities" for the homeless and securing accommodation illustrates a commitment to expand their range of services while staying true to their origins in organised labour.

Today, CUDL stands as a testament to the power of community and labour unity, continuing to provide immediate support through collective efforts and mobilising around causes for social and economic justice. Through accessible workshops, discussions, and direct actions, they aim to empower individuals to challenge prevailing systems and advocate for substantial change. This work is underpinned by their beginnings in the trade union movement, reminding us of the enduring strength of solidarity and the importance of rallying community support to address and surmount societal challenges.

The essence of CUDL transcends the conventional role of a support group; it is a catalyst for societal awareness, a champion for justice, and a builder of a future where collective action reshapes our societal fabric for the better. Engaging with CUDL means embarking on a path of empowerment and active participation, committed to transforming lives and the community at large.



request from the community

  • Sydney

    Request from the community

    Drivers needed for St Kitchen Running from 3:30pm to 6:00pm

    Food Donations


    Women’s sanitary packs

    Blankets and Sleeping bags

    Contact us directly

    sydney@cudl.org.au if you want to get involved!

  • Melbourne

    Request from the Community

    Food donations (meals, perishables and non perishables)

    Clothes (especially larger sizes)

    Blankets and sleeping bags


    Good quality shoes

    Contact us directly at melbourne@cudl.org.au if you want to get involved!

  • Adelaide

    Request from the Community

    Food Donations


    Women’s sanitary packs

    Blankets and Sleeping bags

  • Brisbane

    Request from the Community

    Food Donations


    Women’s sanitary packs

    Blankets and Sleeping bags

Community Union journal